The Miquel y Costas Group manufactures high-performance cellulose pulps and papers. Our clients include the world’s leading tobacco brands, food and graphic arts companies, and businesses that use cellulose. The quality of our products and our commitment to innovation have made us an internationally respected name in the paper industry.
The purpose of Miquel y Costas is to apply to cellulose the necessary know-how to provide society with products that, while improving the environment, contribute to the sustainability of the planet.
Tobacco industry
The Miquel y Costas Group is a leading global supplier of a wide range of cellulose-based solutions for the tobacco industry: cigarette paper, rolling paper booklets and textile pulps for manufacturing cigarette paper.
Industrial products
The Miquel y Costas Group has three major lines of business that cater for industry: high-performance speciality papers, special pulps for industrial use, and food and beverage filter papers.
Printing industry
The Miquel y Costas Group offers two product lines for the printing industry: low-gsm papers to maximize information capacity and minimize use of physical resources, and coloured papers for stationery.
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